Faculty and Staff


Mr. Thomas R. Piro, Ph. D., Principal/Pre-K For All Director – [email protected]

Ms. Ariana Boston-Hill, Administrative Assistant/Pre-K For All Secretary – [email protected] 

Ms. Nubia Martinez, Bookkeeper/Administrative Assistant – nmartinez@sta-catholicacademy.org

St. Thomas the Apostle Parish Administration

Reverend Francisco J. Walker – Administrator

Deacon Jose Contreras – Permanent Deacon

Mr. William Smiddy – Director of Music Ministry



3K, 4K Program

Mrs. Jeanne-Marie Leeb – Lead Teacher – [email protected]

Ms. Erica Martinez-Lead Teacher- [email protected] 

Ms. Sabena Kernizan-Lead Teacher - [email protected] 

Mrs. Mariane Frenzel – Teacher Aide

Mrs. Susana Fana – Teacher Aide

Mrs. Karina Espinal – Teacher Aide

Mrs. Josephine Pirozek – PreK for All Aide/PKA Liaison – [email protected]

“Every person is gifted in some area. We just have to find out what.” 

– Evelyn Blose Holman

STACA - Grades K - 8

Grade Kindergarten- Sr. Rosa - [email protected]

Grade 1 - Ms. Rosalyn Ferreiras - [email protected]

Grade 2 - Ms. Vashmie Singh - [email protected] 

Grade 3 - Mr. Garrett Miller - [email protected]

Grade 4 - Mrs. Vicky McAuliffe - [email protected] 

Grade 5 - Mrs. Nikitha Bachu – [email protected] 

Grade 6 - Mrs. Larissa Gargano-Callanan-                                        [email protected] 

Grade 7 - Ms. Sara Zask - [email protected] 

Grade 8 - Mr. Alexander Halka – [email protected] 

“Faith is the first factor in a life devoted to service. Without it, nothing is possible, With it nothing is impossible” 

– Mary Mcleod Bethune

Support Staff

Ms. Adriana Aponte – Art (Grades K-8) [email protected]

Mr. Anthony D’Orta – Physical Education - [email protected]

Ms. Angela Siano - Music - [email protected]

Ms. Nicole Rizzo - Guidance Counselor -  [email protected]